Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Canon or Not

I've been browsing through the Fairytail Wiki and I'm getting the impression more and more that I'm
vastly missing out by not reading the Manga.

It's not like I'm actively avoiding the Manga or anything, I just discovered the anime first. When I'm not derping around on this blog, or instagram and pinterest, I actually do have a job that I do full time. So it's not like I've got a lot of time in my day to day life to fit in a lot of stuff.

I usually unwind with a couple episodes of anime, staying up much later than I should, and then head to bed.

But, I was reading that the Key of the Starry Sky Arc wasn't actually canon. And there've been a couple of characters I've read up on where they wiki has mentioned events that were never covered in the anime and we're already well past the point where they could happen in the timeline of things.

So I feel like story wise there's a lot I'm missing out on.

I'm also wondering just how canon some of my ships are according to the manga (no one tell me I want to read it for myself!).

But it means tracking down somewhere to read the manga (which isn't that hard I know). I'd much rather have actual physical copies of the volumes (Wouldn't we all?), but right now that's not really an option.


It just kind of irked me that there was a whole story arc that I'd watched that wasn't canon while there's apparently plenty of canon material that never even got covered. Aside from the fact that I really liked Michelle and the twist near the end of the arc made me sob bitter tears.

I guess that's enough ranting for the moment.

I'm sorry this post isn't anywhere near as inspirational and full of wisdom as my last entry, but I didn't want to overdo it on the "inspiration and motivation" front. Apparently this is only going to be a weekly blog for now. I hope to update it more frequently in the future, but I find that if I do the daily updates thing I don't really have a lot to say.

Alright, that's it for the moment, I hope you all visit my blog again next week!

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