Saturday, May 2, 2015

Never Ending List of Anime and Manga

I think I must've been Yomiko Readman from Read or Die in a past life, only with anime as well as books...

I've come to the realization that I'm never going to be able to watch all of the anime that are on my "must-watch-this-shit-sooner-rather-than-later" list. Especially now. Thanks to Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram I'm exposed to a constant stream of memes, pictures, and gifs from dozens (if not hundreds) of different anime.

On my current "must watch" list is:

Tokyo Ghoul
Sword Art Online II
Psycho Pass Season 2
Fate/Stay Night

And there are more, but those are kind of at the forefront at the moment. I've also developed a budding interest in sports anime. I've never actually gotten into them before, but I keep seeing references to them on Instagram and I'm thinking I want to try at least one.

I've also got several different Anime that I need to finish watching:

Fairy Tail
Wolf's Rain

I've got several different manga that I've been wanting to read, but still haven't gotten around to. At the forefront is Shingeki no Kyojin (aka, Attack on Titan).

Then I'd like to finish Bleach and probably read Fairy Tail as well.

I've been meaning to read the Light Novel for Howl's Moving Castle. A lot of people have said it's drastically different than the Anime, which I don't mind really. I just want to read the story that inspired everything.

There are literally not enough hours in the day for all the stuff I want to read/watch while still doing things I need to do. Like chores and eating.

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